Thursday 8 December 2011

Assessment of assignment template

Use the following template for each assignment. You can simply copy and paste this as a post above each assignment on your blog.

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT ___: _________________
Self Assessment:        
In this assignment, I think WWW was….
In this assignment, it would have been EBI I….

Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade ___ because…. I received a grade ___.
Targets to improve:    
To improve on this assignment I need to….

Teacher Assessment: 
If applicable then this is to include a copy of the teacher assessment (JPEG image) as a post.
If not, write N/A.
Peer Assessment: 
If applicable then this is to include a copy of the teacher assessment (JPEG image) as a post.
If not, write N/A.
Any additional drafts: 
If you did another draft, make sure you post it above the draft 1

This is also stored on W drive.

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