Thursday 29 September 2011

E-mail accounts and teacher assessment

Few things:

-you must make sure your gmail/googlemail e-mail is active or your blog will be shut down, this has already happened to a student and she had to re-make the blog

For teacher assessment, I will e-mail you the copy of my feedback and your grade which is expected to be posted on your blog. You must check the class blog and your e-mail regularly for these.

I am missing e-mails from the following people:

You all must e-mail me at and write your blog address in the e-mail please. YOU MUST E-MAIL ME THESE BY TUESDAY OCT 4 or you will be in 1 hour detention for not submitting these because I can't mark your blogs.

NICOLE (no detention as you just joined)

Here is a copy of what I wrote in e-mail for the teacher assessment for assignment 5:


Here is your feedback for assignment 5: inspiration film scene. Be sure to put on your blog along with:

Title: Assignment 5: inspiration Film Scene, Teacher Assessment
Post: Reflecting on your performance (WWW/EBI, what  you learned, targets to improve)
Picture: embed the picture attached in this e-mail

This is Due by Monday September 29th

Miss Connell

Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Homework for Sept 29

Set: Sept 29
Due: Monday Oct 3

Most of you did not quite understand or complete assignment 5 correctly, for homework I would like you to:

-improve your presentations
-revise for test on media key terms (use the sheets I posted awhile back and you might have to do a bit of research on those terms if you don't quite understand them) 

The media key terms test will be on 12E: Monday Oct 3 12C: Tuesday Oct 4

Good luck!

Monday 26 September 2011

Assignment 5 Assessment Criteria

This is the assessment criteria I will be using to assess your inspiration scene presentations.

Level 1: incomplete/minimal           Level 2: basic        Level 3: proficient               Level 4: excellent
U-D-                                                        E+-C                        C+-B+                                     A-A*                      

1.       ____ Overall presentation skills: formality, not reading from board, speaking to audience, voice levels
2.       ____ Knowledge of genre and subgenre
3.       ____ Knowledge of conventions of genre/subgenre
4.       ____ Completing minimum requirement of film examples
5.       ____ Ability to choose appropriate, wide range of film examples
6.       ____ Use of range of still images
7.       ____ Use of still images as evidence (screen shots)
8.       ____ Labelling images with captions/brief bullet points
9.       ____ Use of clear, brief and information (text) (not lengthy paragraphs)
10.    ____ Overall presentation and layout of slides
11.    ____ Use of moving image (selecting brief, appropriate clips)
12.    ____ ability to follow instructions but also interpret instructions
13.    ____ Overall effort
14.    ____ Overall analysis of the following:
a)       ___Denotation
b) ___Connotation
c) ___How does scene employ conventions of genre
d) ___Who is target audience? How does the scene cater to that specific audience?
e) ___Character(s) and representation of the character(s)
f) ___Filming techniques: camera shots/angles/movement
g) ___Music
h) ___Lighting
i) ___Costume/props
j) ___Mood/atmosphere
k) ___Anything else you feel is relevant
l) ___Optional: relate films/scenes to a historical context


Overall level:  _________                                                 Overall grade: ___________

Thursday 22 September 2011

Assignment #5: Inspirational scenes from films

Set: Sept 22
Due: Sept 26

You have now learned more about genres, subgenres and their conventions. Your new task is to analyse specific scenes in films that are inspirational in some way to you. Choose scenes that are realistic (ex. Nothing with advanced special effects). Your task is to analyse 3-5 scenes from films and discuss how they could inspire you for an idea for an opening sequence. You can show the clip on video but it must be less than 30 seconds. You should also use still images and label them, remember must always document your evidence and points!

You may work in any genre or subgenre with drama, film noir, horror/thriller for the 3-5 examples. If you would like to do more examples it can be from any genre.

Consider and discuss the following:
a) Denotation
b) Connotation
c) How does scene employ conventions of genre
d) Who is target audience? How does the scene cater to that specific audience?
e) Character(s) and representation of the character(s)
f) Filming techniques: camera shots/angles/movement
g) Music
h) Lighting
i) Costume/props
j) Mood/atmosphere
k) Anything else you feel is relevant
l) Optional: relate films/scenes to a historical context

Wednesday 21 September 2011

E-mail blog

Please e-mail me your blog address to:

One you have e-mailed me, I will use this address (your email) to send your assessment/feedback so you can post it on your blog.

After you get an assessment you should always write a brief reflection on your thoughts about your presentation, including WWW/EBI, what you learned, targets to improve.

Monday 19 September 2011

Film library

I know films can be hard to get a hold of....I have a range of films at school if you wanted to watch them here or borrow them

You must:
-pay £2 deposit (get back in full when returned)
-sign an agreement that you will take care of it, be responsible for damages and bring back on time

K Connell’s list of films

Film Name
Slumdog Millionaire
Poverty, culture clash
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Poverty, special needs child and struggle with raising him
Dead Poet’s Society
Paternal bonds and poetry
Sunshine Cleaning
Drama comedy
Family unit and struggle, self-discovery
Little miss sunshine
Drama comedy
Family unit and struggle
Based on queen elizabeth
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
Based on queen elizabeth
Freedom Writers
Teacher and student relationship in tough city, self-discovery
Based on spanish artist Frida Kahlo
Eat Pray Love
Independence and travel
Unfaithfulness in relationships
Motorcycle Diaries
Drama/Foreign (Spanish)
Travel and self-discovery
Drama/art/foreign (French)

Light hearted travel, self-discovery and friendship
North Country
Based on true story of the prejudice of women in male-dominated mining company
Memoirs of a Geisha
Japanese culture of geisha girls
The Breakfast Club
School cliques and friendships
Racism in modern day
Friendships, youth culture in Britain
Drama sci/fi/
Human genetic development (set in future)
The Hours
Based on Virgina Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway with female perspective/identity struggle
Children of Men
Drama suspense
Set in future, human survival (when women can no longer conceive)
Black Swan
Drama / Psychological/suspense
Ballet, perfection and mental illness/identity
The Fountain
Tree of life vs tree of knowledge

Romeo & Juliet
Based on Shakespeare’s play set in modern Hispanic setting
Shakespeare in love
Based on Shakespeare’s life and plays (not real)
The Edge of Love
Poetry, failed relationships
Imagine Me & You
Homosexual light hearted romance
Lost & Delirious
Homosexual romance, coming of age
Poverty, black identity, rape, self-discovery
Half Nelson
Teacher with drug addiction
Sherry Baby
Self-discovery, female character who struggles with her way in life and with responsibility

V for Vendetta
Inspiration from Guy Fawkes, human survival in communist society in the future
Psychological thriller/suspense
Identity puzzle solver
Psychological thriller/suspense
Dreams within dreams within dreams
Donnie Darko
Psychological suspense (mixed)

Let the Right on in
Foreign (Swedish) vampires, child relationships
Cabin Fever
Flesh-eating disease

The Resident
The Island
Human cloning
Resident Evil: The After Life
Thriller/horror (zombies)
5th of set – zombie virus and survival
Paranormal Activity
Homemade camcorder style with paranormal ghosts
The Village
Amish type society and beasts

Planet Earth
Nature Documentary
About the planet/animals/landscapes
March of the Penguins
Nature Documentary
About life cycle of penguins
Nature/culture Documentary

Bowling for Columbine
The incidents about the columbine shootings in America
Healthcare system in America
Nature/culture Documentary
No narration/dialogue documentary about the relationship between nature, humans and technology