Monday 19 December 2011

Assignment 10: Film Distributing companies

Set: Dec 19
Due: next lesson


Spend 15-20 minutes setting up a powerpoint to show your research on film distributing companies.  You must research a range of distributing companies that you could use to distribute your film. Spend about 1-2 hours on this. definition list of different distributors in world

You should consider a realistic budget for your film, your target audience and where you would film it. For example, 4321 is not a huge film in America because most of the filming is done here in London, most actors are British and it is revolved around British youth culture therefore targeted at a regional audience in Briton. Think about what is suitable for yours.

A good starting place is looking at a full list online of ALL distributing companies around the world and choosing no more than 10 to research. Look into what types of films they distribute (genre), what kinds of budgets for flms they work with, where they are based and where they distrubute their films. From there you will be able to narrow it down.

This assignment is simply to show you have done some simple research into various film distribute companies and show you have knowledge about how they operate. Lastly to show you are thinking about who you would want to choose to distribute your film and why.

Extension - as an extention task you could consider what PLATFORM you want to release your film. Would it be released in cinema, DVD, online? This could affect your choice (also budget!)

Easy peesy - no more than a couple hours on this one

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