Monday 16 January 2012

Self Assessment after every assignment

Remember to do this for each draft too.

Use the following template for each assignment. You can simply copy and paste this as a post above each assignment on your blog.

ASSESMENT OF ASSIGNMENT ___: _________________
Self Assessment:        
In this assignment, I think WWW was….
In this assignment, it would have been EBI I….

Record of Grade:        
In this assignment I would have graded myself with a grade ___ because…. I received a grade ___.
Targets to improve:    
To improve on this assignment I need to….

Teacher Assessment: 
If applicable then this is to include a copy of the teacher assessment (JPEG image) as a post.
If not, write N/A.
Peer Assessment: 
If applicable then this is to include a copy of the teacher assessment (JPEG image) as a post.
If not, write N/A.
Any additional drafts: 
If you did another draft, make sure you post it above the draft 1

This is also stored on W drive.

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