Wednesday 21 March 2012

AS EVALUATION QUESTIONS (Support and Guidance to answer the questions)

AS EVALUATION QUESTIONS (Support and Guidance to answer the questions)

-this is a video task which is mainly you recording yourselves in front of a video screen with rehearsed powerpoint/video and voiceovers to support what you are saying.  You can (and should have) prepared notes with you to help you remember things to discuss
-it is best to film this in front of a large clear screen such as a TV (use connecting wires) to support if possible
-the cutaways (supportive footage) will be video and print screens
-DO NOT RAMBLE!  Make sure you are BRIEF
-make sure to submit the electronic powerpoint to Ms Connell (so it can be submitted to board)
-15 mins total max

1.       In what ways does your media product  (opening sequence) use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products (real films)?
4-5 mins

FORM: How something is constructed (made)
-anything to do with filming (shots/angles composition etc) or editing (cuts/transitions/music/volume control etc)

CONVENTIONS: things you expect to see
                -dependant on genre (drama – conflict or struggle of main character)

1.       Discussing/showing your inspirational films (discuss how/why they are inspirational)
2.       How/why they use/develop/challenge forms
3.       How/why they use/develop/challenge conventions
4.       How/why YOU use/develop/challenge forms
5.       How/why YOU use/develop/challenge conventions
6.       What is the narrative structure of your film and why?  Did you incorporate any theories in this? (such as Todorov)

2.       How does your media product (opening sequence) represent particular social groups?
3-4 mins

1.       Who is being represented? Why?
2.       What type of social group are you representing? Why?
3.       How did you represent the character (or social groups) in a particular way (consider mise-en-scene: setting, lighting, colour, body language, gesture, facial expression, behaviour, speech etc)
4.       Positive or negative representation? Why?
5.       Is it a stereotypical convention? Why?
6.       Optional: Are the representations conventional or subversive?
7.       How does the representation relate to the target audience?
8.       Is it a fair or accurate representation? Why?
9.       Why did you represent this social group? (what is the purpose?)

3.       What kind of media institution (film distributing company) might distribute your media product (opening sequence) and why?
3 mins
*Use the distributing company assignment to help you with this

1.       First show the various film distributing companies you explored (5 is a good amount)
a.        Explain the research you did on them
2.       Then explain how you decided on a particular one and explain the following:
a.        What types of films do they release (genre) (compare to yours)
b.       What types of target audiences do they have (compare to yours)
c.        What types of budgets do they usually work with? Show a general budget of your film to make connections
Budget =
1. Construction of film: how much is it to make it? 2. How much is it to advertise and market it?
d.       Where would your film be released (relate this to a target audience and budget) and connect this to your chosen distributing company
3.       How would you release your film? (relate to this budget and target audience)
a.        Cinema? Why?
b.       Online? (download/itunes) why?
c.        DVD release? Why?
4.     Who would be the audience for your media product?
2-3 mins

1. Discuss the following to point out your target audience:
                -social class
                -lifestyle and hobbies/interests
2. Discuss why you are targeting them and how relates to your idea, genre and forms/conventions
3. BBFC: what is your film rated and why? (point out the standards) and relate this to your target audience

5.     How did you attract/address your audience?

a)       Briefly prove how your target audience will be attracted to your documentary
b)       Watching the documentary (brief shots and should have voiceover explaining what you’re doing and who is watching (specify how they are your target audience)
c)       Interviews with individuals from the audience (asking them questions) Remember to ask them specific and detailed questions
d)       Show and film a section on a list of things you did to attract/address your audience (forms and conventions)

The first part of the question is asking you to prove what you did and incorporated to attract a target audience
1.       Discuss how you attracted a target audience by the idea  (and/or theme and concept)
2.       Discuss how you attracted a target audience by the conventions 
3.       Discuss how you attracted a target audience by the forms

Optional Extension:  As an extension you could get audience feedback to prove the success if you did indeed attract an audience
1.       You could ask audience specific questions (not yes & no answers) if they were attracted to your final opening sequence  (I gave you a list of questions before)
a.        Remember you can gain audience feedback by having them view it live (in front of a computer) or post it on facebook (if you get their feedback on facebook then you can print screen these responses)
2.       You can discuss what you learned from this feedback and how you would improve if you could complete another draft

6.     What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
3-4 mins

1. Consider what technology your used in each stage of the production
                a) RESEARCH: (LIST all technologies and then chose 2-3 to focus on and talk about more in detail)
b) BRAINSTORMING/PLANNING: (LIST all technologies and then chose 2-3 to focus on and talk about more in detail)
                c) BLOGS: (LIST all technologies and then chose 2-3 to focus on and talk about more in detail)
d) PRELIMINARY: (LIST all technologies and then chose 2-3 to focus on and talk about more in detail)
e) DRAFT 1/DRAFT 2/DRAFT 3/DRAFT 4 (final): (LIST all technologies and then chose 2-3 to focus on and talk about more in detail)

7.     Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
3-4 mins

This question is asking you to point out everything you learnt in the whole process from the preliminary to the full draft
a) PRELIMINARY:  what mark did you grade yourself (use chart you filled in) and explain the reasons for the mark (even if you didn’t do well – what did you learn from this?)
b) DRAFT 1- what mark did you get? Why? what did you learn from filming and editing this?
c) DRAFT 2- what mark did you get? Why? what did you learn from filming and editing this? How did you improve from draft 1?
d) DRAFT 3- what mark did you get? Why? what did you learn from filming and editing this? How did you improve from draft 2?
e) DRAFT 4- what mark did you get? Why? what did you learn from filming and editing this? How did you improve from draft 3?
f) What did you learn from the final draft? If you were to complete another draft, what would do to improve further?

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