Monday 5 March 2012

Assignment 15: Self-assessment of Preliminary Task

Assignment 15: Self-assessment of Preliminary Task
Set: Mon/Tues Mar 5
Due: Thur Mar 8

You have now completed your preliminary task. You must now grade yourself to understand what went well (WWW) and how would it be even better if (EBI).   You will put this together in a PowerPoint that is structured in the same way as the lesson you had about pre-preliminary.  (This is in the W drive)

You decide on how you divide work in group but must be colour coded.

Before completing this assignment, you need to convert your video into a QuickTime and put in your folder on the desktop. 
After saving it here, you need to upload your video onto your blog by either:
A)     Uploading the video file (QuickTime) directly on your blog
B)     Uploading the video file on YouTube* and then embedding the YouTube video on your blog.

On your blog give it the title: Preliminary Exercise Video

*If you upload on YouTube, you need to make sure you use the option that in the middle (not fully public (not searchable) but not fully private (or moderator can’t view it on your blog)

Slide 1:            Title page and colour code  (most should be done as a group though)
Slide 2:                        WWW & EBI
Slide 3:                        Self-assessment chart (sheet) with overall level and grade
Slide 4:                        4A Controlled use of camera (with still shots as evidence)
Slide 5:                        4B Attention to framing (with still shots as evidence)
Slide 6:                        4C Variety of Shot distances (with still shots as evidence)
Slide 7:                        Editing: 180 degree rule (with still shots as evidence)
Slide 8:                        Editing: Match on action (with still shots as evidence)
Slide 9:                        Clear Targets to improve (To improve our filming we need to….)
Slide 11:          What did you learn? List the technologies you used to make the preliminary
a)      Researching the preliminary (could talk about other preliminaries for research)
b)      Planning the preliminary (how did you plan it: script, storyboard, overhead plan, shot lists etc.)
c)      Filming the preliminary (equipment)
d)      Editing the preliminary (computer and iMovie)
e)      Uploading the preliminary (turning it into QuickTime and uploading video on blog or YouTube)
f)       Assessing the preliminary

Slide 12:          What did you learn? List the skills you acquired (gained) in completing make the preliminary.  This could be anything from time management, working with others, technologies, etc.)
a)      Researching the preliminary
b)      Planning the preliminary
c)      Filming the preliminary
d)      Editing the preliminary
e)      Uploading the preliminary
f)       Assessing the preliminary
Embed this presentation on your blog above the video calling it Assignment 15: Self-assessment of Preliminary Task.

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