Monday 3 October 2011

AS Media Grade Tracker Assignment 1-5

This chart is to track the grade and progress you are making in media from assignments 1-5.  You are to copy and paste this on your blog and fill in the information. If you have not completed it, write in the date I give you to complete and you will present it to me then and I will give you a grade then. I expect all missing grades to be completed by Wed Oct 3 after school. If you have not done this - expect a further detention.


Assignment 1
Blog Analysis
Assignment 2
Coursework Analysis
Assignment 3
Genre Interest
Assignment 4
Genre Partner Project
Assignment 5
Inspirational scene
Current Grade

Below the chart I would like you to write about the following:
-What assignment did you do the best? Why?
-What assignment did you do the worst? Why?
-How are your grades for all the assignments against your target grade?
-What do you need to do to improve to get to (or above) your target grade?

Some tips/skills you might want to use as targets to improve:
-complete all homework to best of ability
-stay focused and on task in lessons
-meet deadlines of all c/w and h/w
-put in excellent effort in assignments
-complete a draft 2 (re-sit) if you want a higher grade for assignment
-attend film club
-watch a wider variety of films
-particpate more in lessons
-seek extra help from teacher if I don't understand
-improve my blogging skills
-improve my presentation skills
-improve my powerpoint presentation skills
-improve my knowledge of embedding
-use a wider variety of images in my work
-don't plagarize work from the internet, write in my own words
-use a wider variety of images in my work
-improve my use of clear and brief text in my work (not long, big amounts of writing)
-use a wider variety of diagrams in my work
-extend my technological skills by doing more research on new media technologies and trying to use them for media c/w and h/w (such as Prezi)
-complete regular revision (from recommended revision book and other websites/books

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