Monday 10 October 2011

Notes for Films (in class and film club)

Notes for Films (in class and film club)

We will watch a range of films in class (not the whole film because of time) and films in film club.  Part of your grade is to prove that you have watched a variety of films and taken various things from those films to show that you have been inspired.

It could be from any of these elements and you should make notes of these things when watching the films:

-genre of the film

-conventions of the genre in the film

-themes/concepts in the film

-characters (types and stereotypes)  and the representation of characters in the film

-details, structure or style of the opening sequence

-anything about the filmmaking (construction): camera shots, angles, pace, music/sounds, special effects

-inspirational scenes

-credits = font style, colour, size, animation

-narrative structure (consider narrative theories)

-something about the plot of film (remember this should be the last thing you consider – it should focus on the filmmaking aspect, not plot)

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