Monday 28 November 2011

Developing group presentation/idea

In your 2nd lesson ok the week (tues/wed)

I would like to see the following:

-conventions list (from your genre)  (basically the continuation of what we did in last lesson)
-how you are applying the conventions to your idea
-how are using/develop/challenging the the conventions?
-your theme/concept
-your new idea for opening sequence
-who are the actors, and locations - where you are filming
On Thursday I will give you feedback of this so you can carry on finishing the presentation over the later week/weekend.

Inspirational Videos

Inspirational Videos                                                                                                            Nov 28

I will be showing you some videos as a source of inspiration for your group presentation.  It might give you some new ideas.

Even if you don’t use them you should still put them on your blog as evidence.

Type of footage/category
Save the last dance
Opening sequence

Opening sequence
-introduction of characters
-filming techniques (blur/slow motion)

Sin City
(film noir/drama
Opening sequence
-linear narrative
-reverse shot
-conventions of film noir

Opening sequence
-narrative style
-application of music
-sound effects
-introduction of characters
-type of editing

Jennifers Body
Opening sequence
-developing tension
-intro to character
-narrative structure
-filming notes

Opening sequence
-linear narrative
-intro to character

Opening sequence
-introduction to story/character

Opening sequence
-sound effects
-building of tension

Karate Kid (remake)
Opening sequence
--introduction of character
-introduction to story
-reverse shots (in car)
-linear narrative

Fish tank
Opening sequence
-introduction of character
-handheld camera
-linear narrative
(opening is A….end of film is Z)

Don’t say a word
Clip from film
-360 shot

Clip from film
-close ups of objects

True blood
Clip from show
-stress/thoughts of character
-flashbacks (sound/zoom)

True blood
Clip from show
-dream of character/waking up

True blood
Clip from show
(sound effect and zoom in effect)

True blood
Clip from show
-reverse shots
-shot distance: long/mid/close up/

True blood
Clip from show
-filming techniques & effects

True blood
Clip from show
-opening credits

Clip from film
-graphic matching shot

Clip from film
-stress and thoughts of character

Clip from film
-changing a character

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Copyright free cites

Here are a range of copyright free music/sound sites recommended by OCR:

Copyright free sites

(Note: not all music is free to download from copyright free sites – there are download fees)

Monday 21 November 2011


BLOG CHECKLIST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nov 21/11

Use this checklist to ensure you are caught up with your blog.  Everything needs to be cleaned up by Thursday Nov 24.  If it is not, expect a letter home, possible meeting with your parents, a detention and referral to HOY. This is an opportunity for you to get caught up…use it wisely!
in your work and you are learning!

1.        ____ first post
2.        ____ media key term sheets
3.        ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
4.        ____ the mark scheme (for research/planning & construction/evaluation) (58, 59, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70)
5.        ____ the specification (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 44, 46, 47, 49, 57)
6.        ____ Assignment 1: Blog analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
7.        ____ Assignment 2: AS Coursework analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
8.        ____ Assignment 3: Genre Interest
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
9.        ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
10.     ____ Assignment 4: Genre Partner
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
11.     ____ notes and posts about lessons about inspiration scene (‘Pyscho’) (could embed the video of the shower scene and explain what you learned in the lesson)
12.     ____ Assignment 5: Inspirational scene
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
13.     ____ CURRENT GRADE POST (My target grade is _____.  My current grade is ____.  To improve to next grade I need to…..)
14.     ____ posts about film club (films you watched, what you liked about them, what you learned etc)
15.     ____ notes/posts about lessons about opening sequences you got taught in lessons (could embed the opening sequences {or just pictures of them} and talk about what you learned in the lessons)
16.     ____ Assignment 6: opening sequence analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
17.     ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
18.     ____ Assignment 7: Narrative Research
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts

19.     ____ Exam revision notes and posts (could be pictures, videos, posts or powerpoints)
a.        ___ Camera shots
b.        ___ Camera angles
c.        ___ Camera movement
d.        ___ Composition
e.        ___ Mise-en-scene
f.         ___ Editing
g.        ___ Sound

20.     ____ Assignment 8: Individual presentation
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Peer Assessment (1-3 copies minimum)
c.        ___ Teacher Assessment
d.        ___ Record of Grade
e.        ___ Targets to improve
f.         ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
21.     ____ CURRENT GRADE POST (My last current grade was ____.  My target grade is _____. My current grade is ____.    To improve to next grade I need to…..)
22.     ____ Assignment 9: Group presentation
a.        Page 1 of tasks (A – I)

Other things (posts) you should try to include:

23.     ____ posts about various filming techniques
24.     ____ additional research into anything related to your coursework (filming/editing stuff)
25.     ____ list of media technologies you used and/or are interested in using
26.     ____ posting the evaluation questions
27.     ____ posts about what you learned and completed each week (reflections)
28.     ____ meetings log (you will be given a template later but you could make your own for now
29.     ____ anything else you feel is relevant
30.     ____ GOOD PRESENTATION OF BLOG:  Everything has clear title, images have captions, videos embedded have captions, dates are correct and sequential,
31.     ____ the blog shows you have kept it up to date by showing good progress and improvement in your work and you are learning!