Monday 14 November 2011

Assignment 9: Getting into Groups

Assignment 9: Getting into Groups
Set: Nov 14(e) Nov 15(c)
A - I  Nov 21 (e)  Nov 22 (c)               ( 1 weeks to complete)
J - S  Nov 28(e) Nov 29 (c)                 ( 2 weeks to complete)

You will be getting into your assigned groups and deciding on an idea to take forward for your actual opening sequence. You will make a powerpoint as a group (colour code)

Get into groups and give each other your contact information as you will need constant communication outside of school.

Idea development options:
1.       _____   Take one idea from one of the people in group and work towards developing it
2.       _____   Collaborate multiple ideas into one idea and work towards developing it
3.       _____   Come up with completely new genre and new idea together

The powerpoint should be structured as follows:

A.       TITLE PAGE:          
-Title page that includes all group members names and colour code key.
B.       GROUP MEMBER 1 (you may include picture of yourself if you wish)
-What grade did you receive and what did you learn from assignment 1?
-What skills do you bring to the group?
-What are some targets you have set yourself to improve from the individual presentation?
C.       GROUP MEMBER 2 (you may include picture of yourself if you wish)
-What grade did you receive and what did you learn from assignment 1?
-What skills do you bring to the group?
-What are some targets you have set yourself to improve from the individual presentation?
D.       GROUP MEMBER 3 (you may include picture of yourself if you wish)
-What grade did you receive and what did you learn from assignment 1?
-What skills do you bring to the group?
-What are some targets you have set yourself to improve from the individual presentation?
E.        GROUP MEMBER 4 (you may include picture of yourself if you wish)
-What grade did you receive and what did you learn from assignment 1?
-What skills do you bring to the group?
-What are some targets you have set yourself to improve from the individual presentation?
F.        GROUP MEMBER 1 IDEA (as a group)
-What was your theme and/ or concept for your film?
-What was your idea for opening sequence (5 BRIEF bullet points)
-WWW & EBI of your idea
G.       GROUP MEMBER 2 IDEA (as a group)
-What was your theme and/ or concept for your film?
-What was your idea for opening sequence (5 BRIEF bullet points)
-WWW & EBI of your idea
H.       GROUP MEMBER 3 IDEA (as a group)
-What was your theme and/ or concept for your film?
-What was your idea for opening sequence (5 BRIEF bullet points)
-WWW & EBI of your idea
I.         GROUP MEMBER 4 IDEA (as a group)
-What was your theme and/ or concept for your film?
-What was your idea for opening sequence (5 BRIEF bullet points)
-WWW & EBI of your idea

Everything above here is Due before Nov 21 (e) Nov 22 (a)

J.         GENRE:
-What genre (or subgenre) has your group agreed on taking forward?
-Why do you want to do this genre?
-What are the conventions of this genre (if subgenre you must do both genres)
-remember to have a detailed range of conventions
-use examples from films (from same genre) to support your points
-you should organise this in a chart or diagram
-What films inspired you and how?
-Each person should do 1-3 films each
-structure like you learned from the assignment
L.        THEME and/or CONCEPT:  
-You must complete at least 3 different brainstorms for themes and concepts.  Remember to be unique in your choice of theme and concepts – you don’t want to be predictable or copy current films!
-After showing 3 different brainstorms – show and describe how you got down to 1 theme/concept
Themes examples: revenge   justice                     poverty                    perseverance                         
Concepts examples:                time                        pregnancy               memory loss           DNA
-Briefly discuss your first meeting and how you came to an agreement of your idea
(you could photograph or video tape this!!!)
-State which option you chose and why
-Explain your new idea:
                -5 bullet points of whole film
                -5 bullet points of opening sequence
-Identify how you have changed and developed the idea from it’s original form
-how is everyone contributing?
N.     ENIGMA:
-How do current films in your genre create enigma in their opening sequences? Use PEEE structure for this.
-How are you creating enigma in your opening sequence?
(consider your genre and conventions when answering this)
(you may discuss and show how you got ideas and inspirations from other opening sequences)
-Who is your target audience? (give details of age, gender, ethnicity, location, interests/hobbies, lifestyle etc.
-why would your target audience be interested in your film:
                -forms (how a film is constructed = editing, transitions, music, etc)
-Who are the characters (1-3 is best)
-What do they represent? (consider mise-en-scene)
-What are the costume & Props involving them?
-What are some ideas for locations where you would film? (these should be labelled images, the images should be real and taken yourself with a good range of angles of location)
-are these locations always accessible? If not – when?
-how will you get there?
-any health & safety concerns/risk in these locations?
-What type of narrative are you using in your opening sequence?  (example linear/non-linear, open, closed….)
S.        FILM THEORY:
-How are you considering and applying the theories of:
-If you don’t apply their theories you must explain why you are not
-You may include anything else you wish

Do not complete storyboards, shotlists or scripts at this point.

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