Monday 7 November 2011

Assignment 8: Individual Presentation Assessment Sheets

Here are the electronic sheets I created for the assessment of Assignment 8: Individual Presentation

GENRE CHOICE: (circle)      HORROR            THRILLER            DRAMA            FILM NOIR
(do not collaborate with comedy or action; Good subgenres/collaborated genres: pyschological, suspense, sci-fi, romance)

-Include a title page
-Assignment name and what genre you are doing. (remember you can do subgenres)

-why you have chosen this genre (if subgenre then discuss both genres)
-a little bit of information about your genre(s) with examples
-conventions of your genre

-What are some films that you watched and got inspired by? (can take some from genre partner project) (these films should relate to your chosen genre)
-what especially was inspirational to you?

-What is your chosen theme for your opening sequence?  (example = addiction, conflict, obsession, etc.)
-show a brainstorm of ideas for your opening sequence (you need to show at least 3 different ideas with brainstorms)
-choose 1 or 2 main ideas for your opening sequence

-In 5 brief bullet points, what will happen in the whole film (on 1 or 2 ideas)
-In 5 brief bullet points, what will happen in the opening sequence (on 1 or 2 ideas)
(remember an opening sequence is an introduction, don't give away too much and you should create enigma)

-Who are the characters (try not to have more than 3 characters because it is unreliable) 1-2 is best
-what do the characters represent? (think of stereotypes)  consider how mise-en-scene (costume/prop/make-up/body language/gesture etc) represent those characters

-How are you going to create enigma in your opening sequence? (in other words: what are you going to do at the end of your opening sequence for the audience to make them want to watch the rest of the film?  (consider genre and it's purpose: example: thriller = create tension and climax at the end, drama = introduce a character and provide an introduction to story)

-complete a basic storyboard for your opening sequence
-Optional Extention: You may complete a script if you wish but it is not required

-who is your target audience? (age, gender, hobbies, interests, lifestyle, location, social class etc)
-get feedback from your target audience about your ideas and show the results (could do questionnaire, take photographs, make a video)
-how are you going to make an opening sequence which is interesting to your target audience?


A  Level: _______

B  Level: _______

C  Level: _______

D  Level: _______

E  Level: _______

F  Level: _______

G  Level: _______

H  Level: _______

I  Level: _______

Other factors:
-_____communication skills
-_____care and application of presentation and organisation of slides
-_____time management
-_____consideration and application of film theory: Todorov/Propp/Strauss
-_____ consideration and application of correct film conventions

Level 1: incomplete/minimal           Level 2: basic        Level 3: proficient               Level 4: excellent
U-D-                                                        E+-C                        C+-B+                                     A-A*                      

PRESENTATION GRADE (Individual):          Level _____             Grade: ________


Level 1                   MINIMAL/INCOMPLETE                     0–7 marks
Planning and research evidence will be incomplete;

1.       There is minimal research into similar products and a potential target audience;
2.       There is minimal organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
3.       There is minimal work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;
4.       There is minimal care in the presentation of the research and planning;
5.       Time management may be very poor.

Level 2                   BASIC                                                                     8–11 marks
Planning and research evidence may be partially incomplete;

1.       There is basic research into similar products and a potential target audience;
2.       There is basic organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
3.       There is basic work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;
4.       There is a basic level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;
5.       Time management may not be good.

Level 3                   PROFICIENT                                                          12–15 marks
Planning and research evidence will be complete;
1.       There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience;
2.       There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
3.       There is proficient work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;
4.       There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;
5.       Time management is good.

Level 4                   EXCELLENT                                                            16–20 marks
Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed;

1.       There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience;
2.       There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props;
3.       There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;
4.       There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning;
5.       Time management is excellent.

Level 1: incomplete/minimal           Level 2: basic        Level 3: proficient               Level 4: excellent
U-D-                                                        E+-C                        C+-B+                                     A-A*                      


Level _____                Mark: ______             Grade: ________

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