Monday 21 November 2011


BLOG CHECKLIST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Nov 21/11

Use this checklist to ensure you are caught up with your blog.  Everything needs to be cleaned up by Thursday Nov 24.  If it is not, expect a letter home, possible meeting with your parents, a detention and referral to HOY. This is an opportunity for you to get caught up…use it wisely!
in your work and you are learning!

1.        ____ first post
2.        ____ media key term sheets
3.        ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
4.        ____ the mark scheme (for research/planning & construction/evaluation) (58, 59, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70)
5.        ____ the specification (11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 44, 46, 47, 49, 57)
6.        ____ Assignment 1: Blog analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
7.        ____ Assignment 2: AS Coursework analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Record of Grade
c.        ___ Targets to improve
d.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
8.        ____ Assignment 3: Genre Interest
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
9.        ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
10.     ____ Assignment 4: Genre Partner
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
11.     ____ notes and posts about lessons about inspiration scene (‘Pyscho’) (could embed the video of the shower scene and explain what you learned in the lesson)
12.     ____ Assignment 5: Inspirational scene
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
13.     ____ CURRENT GRADE POST (My target grade is _____.  My current grade is ____.  To improve to next grade I need to…..)
14.     ____ posts about film club (films you watched, what you liked about them, what you learned etc)
15.     ____ notes/posts about lessons about opening sequences you got taught in lessons (could embed the opening sequences {or just pictures of them} and talk about what you learned in the lessons)
16.     ____ Assignment 6: opening sequence analysis
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
17.     ____ posts about what you have been learning and doing in class after first few weeks
18.     ____ Assignment 7: Narrative Research
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Teacher Assessment
c.        ___ Record of Grade
d.        ___ Targets to improve
e.        ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts

19.     ____ Exam revision notes and posts (could be pictures, videos, posts or powerpoints)
a.        ___ Camera shots
b.        ___ Camera angles
c.        ___ Camera movement
d.        ___ Composition
e.        ___ Mise-en-scene
f.         ___ Editing
g.        ___ Sound

20.     ____ Assignment 8: Individual presentation
a.        ___ Self Assessment
b.        ___ Peer Assessment (1-3 copies minimum)
c.        ___ Teacher Assessment
d.        ___ Record of Grade
e.        ___ Targets to improve
f.         ___ Any additional drafts
                                                               i.      ___ Record of what you did to improve the draft
                                                              ii.      ___ Record of grade of drafts
21.     ____ CURRENT GRADE POST (My last current grade was ____.  My target grade is _____. My current grade is ____.    To improve to next grade I need to…..)
22.     ____ Assignment 9: Group presentation
a.        Page 1 of tasks (A – I)

Other things (posts) you should try to include:

23.     ____ posts about various filming techniques
24.     ____ additional research into anything related to your coursework (filming/editing stuff)
25.     ____ list of media technologies you used and/or are interested in using
26.     ____ posting the evaluation questions
27.     ____ posts about what you learned and completed each week (reflections)
28.     ____ meetings log (you will be given a template later but you could make your own for now
29.     ____ anything else you feel is relevant
30.     ____ GOOD PRESENTATION OF BLOG:  Everything has clear title, images have captions, videos embedded have captions, dates are correct and sequential,
31.     ____ the blog shows you have kept it up to date by showing good progress and improvement in your work and you are learning!

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