Wednesday 14 September 2011

2010-2011 Coursework Marks @ groups

Here is the information for Assignment #1: Coursework Analysis


1. Kayleigh (73)  Group Level/ Mark: Level 3 & low B grade
2. Michelle (70) (& Jade (66), Jayde (70), Haben (70)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 3 & low B grade
3. Rianna (59) (& Kefira (52), Emmanuella (41), Ochuko (25)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 2/3 & low C/high D grade
4. Rafaella (60) (& Shahna (60)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 2 & low C/high D grade
5. Dafne (83) (& Loreta (81), Karolina (84) ) Group Level/ Mark: Level 4 & low A grade
6. Alexa R (89) (& Tiara (78), Nkechi (88)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 4 & low A grade
7. Paul (29)(& Alexa M (78), Donielle (70), Taijarne (76)) Group Level/ Mark: Level 3 & B grade

Michelle Asafu-Adjaye

Rianna Johnson

Haben Mesfun

Rafaella Batista

Dafne Caldetto

Loreta Payongayong

Alexa Ranussi

Ochuko Igbiri

Paul Renzo Velo

Here is the chart for grade boundaries in media studies 

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