Monday 19 September 2011


Set: Sept 19/20
Due: Thur Sept 22

As always, the majority of this presentation should be done with labelled visuals and bullet points, NOT a lot of lengthy writing.

Task: You are completing a research assignment with a partner which researches 2 genres: drama, horror/thriller. You should each choose 1 genre each (drama or horror/thriller) and you may complete film noir as an extension together.  Even though you are doing a separate genre each, you may work together on this to help each other and learn about the other genre.  Use a colour code (background of slides) to identify who did what work, this is important for moderator.               RED – partner 1 (horror/thriller)      BLUE – partner 2 (drama)

Attempt to do research from a variety of sources; not just internet! On the internet use a range of internet websites, not all from Wikipedia, youtube and IMBD – they have limited information.
You need to:
  1. Define the genre with definition and explain approximately when this genre was established, why it was established.
  2. How has the genre changed over time and how has it mixed with other genres (example romance and comedy were 2 distinctive genres and now we see a hybrid called ‘rom-com’ which has elements of both genres)
  3. Include 5-10 examples of films each genre.  YOU NEED TO LOOK BACK IN HISTORY, NOT all current  films!
    1. Title, Director, distributing company, when released, basic plot of film
    2. How does it meet the conventions in genre?
                                                               i.      Example:  Modern teenage slasher has young group of adventurous youths trying to escape their normal lives for a trip/adventure away in which they will slowly getting tortured and/or killed off by a beastly villain
    1. STILL photographs
                                                               i.      You must include photographs that show us your understanding of conventions and filmmaking aspects of this film
                                                              ii.      YOU MAY LABEL THESE
1.       Characters
2.       Angles/shots
3.       Music
4.       special effects
5.       anything!
    1. Youtube clips (trailer or scenes is good) if possible
  1. To be done together and most important part of the presentation!
    1. What did you learn from these films? (remember to focus on film making)
    2. HOW DID THEY INSPIRE YOU?  You may relate this to the future presentation of your idea for an opening sequence which you will need to prove how you got inspiration from real films; this is a good start.

*It is up to you to research and find films. I have some you may borrow for one night at a time. I will also be holding media  film club in which I will use lunch times and afterschool to show excellent and relative films. It will be on Tues, Wed and Thur.  I highly recommend you attend these over the next few weeks for you to watch excellent films and gain understanding and inspiration for the development of your opening sequences. We may get to 1 or 2 in class.

TUES       Any genre                             WED Drama                                           THUR  Thriller/Horror
1-1:30                                                    1-1:30                                                    1-1:30
3:30-4:30/5                                          3:30-4:30/5                                          3:30-4:30/5


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