Thursday 22 September 2011

Assignment #5: Inspirational scenes from films

Set: Sept 22
Due: Sept 26

You have now learned more about genres, subgenres and their conventions. Your new task is to analyse specific scenes in films that are inspirational in some way to you. Choose scenes that are realistic (ex. Nothing with advanced special effects). Your task is to analyse 3-5 scenes from films and discuss how they could inspire you for an idea for an opening sequence. You can show the clip on video but it must be less than 30 seconds. You should also use still images and label them, remember must always document your evidence and points!

You may work in any genre or subgenre with drama, film noir, horror/thriller for the 3-5 examples. If you would like to do more examples it can be from any genre.

Consider and discuss the following:
a) Denotation
b) Connotation
c) How does scene employ conventions of genre
d) Who is target audience? How does the scene cater to that specific audience?
e) Character(s) and representation of the character(s)
f) Filming techniques: camera shots/angles/movement
g) Music
h) Lighting
i) Costume/props
j) Mood/atmosphere
k) Anything else you feel is relevant
l) Optional: relate films/scenes to a historical context

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