Monday 19 September 2011

Detentions / Extensions

A lot of you have been coming to me to ask for extensions on your work and/or presentations for various reasons including lack of USB or computer problems at home.

It is now the 3rd week back to school and these excuses are no longer acceptable. I cannot accept problems with computers at home because there are resources at school and libraries. THIS IS WHY YOU CANNOT LEAVE WORK UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!

It is not my responsibility to excuse incomplete work, it is my responsibility to ensure you are complete work on given deadlines. When you are incomplete, you will have a sanction.

If you are absent from school that does not excuse you from a deadline, it is your responsibity to ask what work you have missed and you can access this 24/7 via the blog.

I am 99% of the time in the media room in the morning, free periods, lunch and afterschool and you are welcome to work in here any of those times. Take advantage of this - I will see you being productive and can include that in your report that I send to the moderator. Also remember, there is no group work in the study room or open internet access.

If there are any other serious reasons why you are not done work you must see me in the morning (before 9am) and provide me a note from your parents explaining the reasoning. If you don't do this - you will recieve the sanction.

If you skip a detention, you will have another one for skipping it.

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