Monday 12 September 2011

ASSIGNMENT #2 Coursework analysis

Set: Sept 12
Due: next lesson

Complete this in a powerpoint and bring in the completed powerpoint on USB to next lesson. I will show you how to embed your powerpoint on blog in that lesson.  Make sure that your powerpoint is VISUAL with lots of pictures and diagrams rather than a lot of text.

1.      Year 12 coursework analysis

Due: Next lesson (this is your first piece of homework)

Choose any 2 opening sequence from last year and you will complete an analysis on them. Be sure to
                                                              i.      Title of opening sequence
                                                            ii.      What grade did they get
                                                          iii.      WWW
                                                          iv.      EBI
                                                            v.      Any general comments about this

Click here for the list of 2010-2011 student blogs

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